This product is provided to show the effect of the multiply attribute addin that is available. The actual math won't be shown until after adding the product to the cart.
If this product is included in the cart during the checkout process, the site is designed to remove it prior to purchasing anything. So, feel free to add as many variations of this product to your cart as you desire to see the results in the shopping cart.
Various options are provided, including adding, subtracting and multiplying. Division is accomplished by multiplying by less than 1. (I.e. 50%)
The code now partially supports price by attribute but it has been identified that the majority of those issues are from the way that previous ZC code handled/addressed attributes in particular with concern to sales and specials. That is about to change making ZC an even better product than it is already.
Sitewide factors controllable by the multiplication/division attributes of this plugin:
- present multiplication factor as an added or subtracted percentage,
- present as a straight multiplication value,
- show a division for cases where multiplying by a value greater than 0 but less than 1 (0.75 for a 25% discount in the price can be shown as divide by 1.33).
- Remove trailing zeros from after the decimal place so that percentages (or whatever choice of unit display) such as 25.00% appear just as 25%.
- The ability for the multiplication factor to be affected by currency conversion or to remain a specific multiplication constant regardless of currency differences between the shopper and the default currency.
- With further expansion/application, this plugin could be made to apply different presentations to different products.
- Another aspect for expansion is the ability to apply multiplication in groups rather than building on the previous total(s) allowing operations on each group (consider the below representation side-by-side with another similar calculation) to be performed on/to the adjacent group.
Based on the below provided attributes and their sequence, the values will be calculated as follows: [({[ Base Price of Product + Add-Sub1 ] * Mul-Div1 } * Mul-Div2 + Add-Sub2 ) * Mul-Div3 + Add-Sub3 + Add-Sub4 ] * Mul-Div4 + each One-Time only amount that may be applied.